For Our DataFam: Tableau in 2023 and Beyond

Tableau's commitment to innovation, community and expansion of opportunities to bring data for everyone.

Tableau’s mission to help people see and understand data has never been more important. We are fully committed to accelerate innovation, grow the community and drive your success. 

It's been nearly 20 years since we had a wild idea to make data understandable by ordinary people. That turned into a revolution with visual analytics that are now used by millions of people worldwide. Today, more than 100k organizations worldwide use Tableau to unlock the value of their data. We’ve continued to deliver more innovations with over 100 new capabilities delivered in the last year. And our community has grown to over 2.5M people strong.  Wow. 

At the same time, despite the success, we have only touched a fraction of the people who can benefit. The opportunity is much bigger now than we originally realized 20 years ago. There is so much more to do. Our entire team is focused on accelerating and expanding the change in the world we are so fanatical about.

When I think about what’s ahead in 2023 for Tableau, I see more, more, more. More innovation, More engagement, More impact. 

Product Innovation

People are at the heart of our mission, and we will continue to improve the breadth and depth of the Tableau platform to help you unlock the value of data. And with the power of Salesforce, our ability to fulfill Tableau's mission has increased. With the additional resources gained when we joined Salesforce, we have increased the depth of our industry knowledge, have added development capabilities from the leader in Cloud, and can leverage all of that to bring Tableau's mission to life.  Tableau continues to be for everyone—no matter what platform, no matter where your data is stored, and no matter what use case you have. Tableau is for every person and every organization, whether you use Salesforce or not. We'll never dictate how you deploy or the data sources you use. 

We continue to expand, adding more capabilities across all of our products to meet customers where they are, whether you use Tableau Server, Desktop, or Cloud. Tableau continues to offer the most choice and flexibility to grow with you as your technology and data strategy evolve. None of that is changing. 

At the same time, we are bringing more value to Salesforce customers by helping customers leverage existing investments and deliver more value faster. This includes the new Genie Customer Data Cloud to help you unlock customer data with powerful actionable insights. We’re helping you turn insights into action with External Actions powered by Salesforce Flow to automate business processes. Tableau and Salesforce is a match made in the clouds. 

And we continue to take action on your feedback. With the new DataFam initiative, our team is partnering with community leaders to help prioritize the thousands of ideas that you’ve submitted to the Ideas Forum. You may have seen some of these features starting to come out in recent releases, like Dynamic Zone Visibility, Image Role, swap data source per sheet, and the PROPER function, to name a few. We’re not done. In the coming releases, you'll continue to see even more capabilities to make Tableau easier to use and even more powerful. So keep sharing your ideas and know that we are prioritizing and developing future capabilities based on your input. You can expect to see some of these at the upcoming Tableau Conference during Devs on Stage. You won’t want to miss it. 

Tableau Conference 

Hands down, Tableau Conference is the best analytics conference in the industry, and we are committed to making it even better—this year and in the future. This year we will have three days of technical content, best practices, customer stories, and innovation—and, of course, a lot of fun at the same time. If you haven’t been to Tableau Conference, you don’t know what you’re missing.

TC is fundamentally about networking, learning, inspiration and connection. We’re already working on the TC you know and love—our keynote, Devs on Stage, hands-on trainings, Iron Viz, Data Night Out and much more. There will be a strong focus on incorporating community sessions, and a call for participation and speakers. 

We can’t wait to see you in Las Vegas May 9-11. And don’t worry, this will not be the last Tableau Conference. We want your feedback, and we’re going to keep making it better every year.

Commitment to the Tableau Community

There is no better representation of what makes Tableau unique than the Tableau Community. Beyond of course the product, the Tableau Community has been both why and how we’ve succeeded together. How we’ve grown our careers. How we’ve helped our companies be smarter and more productive. How we’ve supported the organizations that make the world a better place.The Tableau Community is one of the gems of Tableau—you help each other and share best practices, and our community has never been stronger. 

We remain more committed than ever to supporting and growing the DataFam, and helping more people see and understand data. We are continuing to invest in all of the hallmarks of the Tableau Community—Tableau User Groups, Tableau Public, the Community Forums, and Tableau Conference. And we will continue to champion and invest in the DataFam.

Being a part of the community is not just about influencing Tableau products, but also bringing the power of data to more people to improve the world. The people around us include the incredible Trailblazer Community, who are also passionate learners and leaders, building a better world for others.

We also see opportunities to more intentionally connect the Tableau and Salesforce communities, as many Salesforce customers are just beginning to discover the magic of Tableau. We’ve made strides: building a Data Literacy Trail on Trailhead, hosting Viz Games at Dreamforce 2022, and planning DataDev programs at TrailblazerDX 2023 in March.

While we do see opportunities to introduce the power of these communities to each other and create some “better together” wins, we do not have plans to merge the Tableau and Salesforce Trailblazer communities. These communities share a like-minded passion for learning, connecting, and giving back. By bringing people with so much in common together, while also embracing and honoring what makes each of us unique, we will all go farther. 

Thank You, DataFam

Thank you, for sharing your feedback, your passion, and your evangelism. I speak for myself and our entire team when I say we don't want to just listen—we intend to take action. We all want to do better and continue to innovate on what's possible to help people see and understand data. We love Tableau and the Tableau Community, and you give us the motivation to wake up every day and find ways to improve and innovate on your behalf. Feedback is kindness, so please keep sharing it because we appreciate this kindness and we care. 

I like to say that 'we haven't come this far to only come this far'. We have LOTS further to go. And Together, we will go very far! 
